Video Vednesday: A few films about adventure travel

Video Vednesday is back, after 482 days.

Today’s presentation contains 3 movies, I am intentionally reducing the number here to make sure you are able to watch them all. There are plenty more coming in future VVs. I am also intentionally not writing much about these movies, what’s the point of talking about something you can see for yourself?

1. Paying the Price

Dakar 2018 just finished a few days ago, here’s a video that should give you an idea of what it takes to win one.

2. Kayak the Kwanza

This one has nothing to do with motorcycles, it’s purely about adventure. I first saw it during the ATFF 2017 in London.

3. Surviving the Fundy Footpath

Probably one of the best adventure short films out there, I saw this one in ATFF as well, and this has nothing to do with bikes either.

If you know of any interesting films or videos that I should watch, let me know.