Video Vednesday: Epic journeys

I’m planning to move Video Vednesday permanently to the weekend. The name might need to be changed, but what would I call it? Video Vunday? Sinema Saturday? I don’t know, let’s keep calling it VV for now, who gives a shit anyway.

Here’s a selection of films I’ve been watching since yesterday. I’ve already seem some of them before, but these are worth a second watch.

1. Malle Moto

Lyndon Poskitt is one hell of a guy, he has basically combined the concepts of RTW and Racing, but at the highest levels of both. It’s hard to imagine the level of dedication required to live such a life, but this guy is doing it. Living the dream? Perhaps, but not a dream everyone can live.

2. Himalayan Motorcycle Adventure

David Darcy from Australia makes some very interesting videos, his channel is filled with informative, fun, and cinematic films that I have featured here in the past as well. Here’s one of his adventures in our own backyard, or should I say our attic.

3. Into the dust

If you like Dust to glory, you might like this as well. It’s a movie about the Baja 1000 as well, but from a different perspective. A few months ago a bunch of Indians finished this epic race, and a look at this movie tells you a lot about why they deserve our total respect.

I watch a lot of videos to find the ones worth sharing. Watching so many insane videos does give you an inferiority complex, what have I done with my life? There are guys traveling the world, winning races, enjoying life, and all I can do is watch..

I guess it’s time to binge on some Spongebob.