Shocking video of angry bikers assaulting car driver!

A shocking video of angry bikers chasing and finally assaulting a black Range Rover driver has gone viral recently. Over 6 minutes long, the video shows how a large group of bikers in New York City, out on an annual rally, get embroiled in a gut-wrenching chase of a Range Rover.

Bikers assaulting car driver

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The driver, Alexien Lien, 33, was driving with his wife at front and 2 year old daughter at the back. Take a look at the video here:


As you can see, one biker identified as Christopher Cruz, slows down right in front of the car. The actual collision is not recorded by the camera, but what is immediately apparent is that something has gone wrong, with almost all the bikers stopping and surrounding the car. Edwin “Jay” Mieses can be seen going towards to car, when suddenly the SUV runs over a few bikers and then Edwin and bolts away. There are allegations of bikers slashing the tires of the Range Rover and denting it as well, which scared the occupants and lead to this reckless chase.

The bikes, much faster than the car, follow it for miles. An attempt to wrench out the driver is thwarted by Alexien, who drives away just as the biker opens the door and tries to pull him out. The chase finally ends when the car is stuck in traffic and the bikers surround the car. At this moment the camera is turned off, but police records show the driver was taken out of the car and slashed on his face and chest. His wife and child were unharmed.

In the aftermath of the incident, Edwin Mieses was left injured with possibility of paralysis, Christopher Curz was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, and endangering the welfare of a child, and Alexien was released from hospital after treatment. Another biker, who is seen punching the window of the car turned himself in yesterday and police are on the lookout for up to 30 other bikers.

The video is quite polarizing, because mistakes were made on both sides. The bikers were on an unauthorized rally, and they swarmed the Range Rover quite dramatically. There are allegations of riders gesturing at the car as well. Some people are of the view that Alexien did what he had to do to protect his family, including running over people. The bikers were obviously enraged, but nothing can explain the violence that took place.

What are your thoughts about this situation? Let us know in the comments.