Monday Motivation: Honda TT Legends documentary

As awesome as MotoGP may be, you can’t shake off that elitism that sometimes presents itself in its garages. On top of that, the Lorenzo Rossi Marquez cow has been milked from every hole in its body, and the whole drama behind the races feels too childish, distracting.

This becomes even more apparent when you watch the pits in any road race, like the IOMTT. The riders are so much more accessible, the machines are so easily viewable, and of course, nothing beats that feeling of watching someone go 300 kmph a few feet from you.

Then there are the riders themselves. Watch any road racer talk about anything, and it’ll be laced with expletives, politically incorrect, and downright funny. It’s a total contrast in MotoGP, where nobody even makes a sound, except for Rossi at times.

Here’s an 8 part documentary on the Honda TT Legends team as they run around the world crashing, recovering, and winning races. The start of the show is obviously John McGuinness, who speaks only slightly more legibly than Guy Martin. I guess that entire region suffers from monumental speech impediments that nobody gives a shit about.

This series is all about behind the scenes look at the racing world. We all have watched races, crashes, and wins, but here you get to see the life off the race track, how competitive things are, and how difficult it is to do what they do.