KTM Track day at MMSC Chennai on 15th Feb 2015

If you own a KTM RC390 or Duke 390, you are in luck! Being a KTM customer is unbelievably cool! You get brilliant bikes at throw-away prices, you get extremely cheap spares, and you get to ride your machines on race tracks for free!

Like KTM always does, another track day has been organized at the MMSC in Chennai. RC200 and Duke 200 owners are NOT invited. I have attended a KTM track day at Buddh circuit, and even though it was pretty chaotic, I still learned a lot while having tons of fun.

The best part here is that the rider training will be provided by Apex Racing, a well known organization in India. I’ve heard that they gave training at a previous track day as well and the results were awesome, so I would expect things would be kick ass this time as well. Even though just getting to ride on a closed circuit is an experience in itself, training is always useful in giving you that extra edge.

Details of the KTM track day:

  • Date: 15th Feb 2015 (Sunday)
  • Location: MMSC Race Track, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Chennai
  • Link for mandatory online registration: CLICK HERE
  • Registration closes: 7th Feb 2015
  • Reporting time: 7 AM sharp

The plan:

  • 7:00 AM – Reporting at venue
  • 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM – Bike scrutiny and breakfast for participants
  • 8:00 AM – Briefing
  • 8:15 AM -12:30 PM – Riding + classroom sessions as per groups
  • 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM – Lunch
  • 1:00 PM – 4:30 pm – Riding + classroom sessions as per groups
  • 4:30 PM – 4:45 PM – Tea and snacks
  • 4:45 PM – 5:00 PM – Group photo and vote of thanks

You can contact the people at 9036000680, 65393535 for further information. Don’t be late! KTM is very punctual with these events. I reached about half an hour late at Buddh circuit, and the only reason they let me in was because I had ridden all the way from Mumbai for it.

What do you need?

Here are the compulsory items for this event:

  1. Online registration for the event
  2. KTM RC390 or Duke 390
  3. Riding jacket
  4. Riding pant
  5. Above ankle riding boots
  6. Above wrist riding gloves
  7. Helmet
  8. Driving license
  9. Bike RC and insurance
  10. Your personal insurance

It’s always good if you get a 1 piece leather suit, full gauntlet gloves, full height riding boots and a good quality helmet, but these are the minimum requirements that must be satisfied. You can also get knee and elbow guards at the event, but they are in limited numbers so always good to bring your own stuff. Once you reach the track they’ll inspect your bike, remove the mirrors and cover the lights. That’s it!

Why should you do it?

There are a number of reasons why track riding is useful:

  1. You get to test the limits of yourself and your bike in a controlled, risk free environment
  2. You’ll get GPS transmitters to attach to your bike which’ll tell you your exact lap times
  3. You’ll get training by one of India’s most renowned riding schools to improve those lap times
  4. It’s extreme fun!
  5. It’s FREE!

Here’s a video of mine from the Buddh track day. As you can see, I have a lot to learn 🙂

Here are some photos from that same day, hope you get some inspiration and go for this event! I promise it’ll be totally worth it 🙂 I’ll try to join, but it’s highly unlikely I’ll be able to make it. Hurry up, there are only limited spots!

Thanks to my good friend Joseph Dsilva for giving up the heads up for this event! You can check out Indiranagar KTM’s Facebook page for confirmation.