But wait, there’s more

I am going to get back into motorcycling, after 4 fucking years.

Have ordered a bunch of riding gear from FC-Moto, helmet, jacket, gloves, boots. Waiting for delivery. Will probably buy the Bikeratti jeans once I’m back in India. That ought to do it for the perfect gear combo for Indian conditions. More on that later.

Only little thing remaining for me to get back into motorcycling, would be a motorcycle.

2 of the 4 years were spent in the UK, where bicycles were much more fun than motorcycles. Out of the other 2, a year and a half were spent in India, but there never really was a time when riding again felt like right the right thing to do, Covid destroyed about half of it anyways. The 6 months left were spent in Europe, walking and 320 kmph trains work best here.

In some ways, “waiting” was the wrong thing to do. I was waiting for a visa, or clearer path of the future, or random things to sort themselves out, before buying a bike could be justified. Regret is one of the things I fear most in life, right after a positive pregnancy test, but the good thing about decisions made in the past is that time machines don’t exist.

Unless something changes dramatically, I’ll be buying a Royal Enfield Interceptor soon. Staying away from bikes for such a long time has given me some interesting perspective on the whole culture, the owner of Riderzone buying an RE should be a good joke, hopefully funny too.

About this website, I’ll finally have something to write about, so its imminent death has been postponed once again. About a month ago I was about to shut it down once again, and write exclusively on Team-bhp, but that didn’t go through.

Team-bhp is a lovely place to be in, but they don’t allow any sort of bad language, even indirectly, and that’s completely understandable. For me, however, that’ll be just a bit too much to handle. Exaggerations and gratuitous swearing make writing fun, fun is the only reason I’m doing this.

I’ve finally given up the idea of making this site financially viable. I spend around 500 Rupees a month to keep this site alive, which is a good replacement for a Netflix subscription I think, something that I’m mooching off a friend anyways. In the past I was able to recover the hosting charges at least with advertising, but that ain’t happening anymore.

I know what I should do to be able to make money off RZ, but I am physically incapable of doing it. I would rather allow it be like the Eric Andre show, or Discordance Axis, something that not everyone knows of, something that barely anyone would like, but something that would make someone go “Damn I can’t believe someone put in the effort and the money and the time to create this disgusting little pool of lovely weirdness”.

Which is also why this site has no buttons to allow you to “Subscribe”, or a newsletter thingy, or any easy way to know when new content gets posted. I would rather you forgot about the existence of RZ, then randomly came across an article after years. That feeling is different isn’t it? To find something you thought was lost, and then lose it again.

I’m currently too busy shitting my pants waiting for the 60,000 Rupees worth of gear to get here, and for it to fit properly. Talk to you once the diarrhea has ended.