Auto journos in depression as Intermot 2020 cancelled


Numerous motorcycle journalists took to social media to vent their anger and despair, as the news that Intermot 2020 has been cancelled and replaced with an online event was confirmed.

Intermot is one of the biggest motorcycle trade shows in the world, held in Cologne, Germany. Due to the restrictions imposed by the govt. on large gatherings, the cancellation of the physical event was all but inevitable.

However, a surprisingly large number of automotive writers have publicly shared their vocal frustrations with this development, both on social media and their individual columns.

Here’s an excerpt from a column published in Autocar:

What most people don’t understand is that I spent years as an intern, shitting out 6 articles of mindless copy-pasting every day, contemplating suicide on each Monday. Through hard work, ingenuity, but mostly an inhuman amount of ass kissing, I’ve reached this place where I get free international trips to cover events like Intermot, events that give us enough precious concept bikes to masturbate over for at least a month or two.

Now that it’s cancelled, what am I going to do? You can’t post suggestive selfies with babes on superbikes from a fucking online event? How can I use a livestream to project my innate sense of insecurity and failure on my friends, family, and the wider world? How do I use a virtual press release to mask my role as a parasite dependent on the same corporations whose products I claim to honesty review?

And this is what an influential writer posted on his Facebook, with a photo of some rope and a large bottle of lube.

Our life looks all bling and glamour doesn’t it? Well let me tell you the truth, our salaries are a joke, the work pressure is insane, and I enjoy riding motorcycles about as much as a prostitute likes fucking. As soon as something becomes your job, all the charm and beauty is gone.

I’ve been stuck at home with my stupid wife and annoying kids for months, and the only hope I had of getting off is now gone. These free Europe trips were the only reason I hadn’t quit writing to become a bar dancer or gigolo, you’ve got to sell yourself in all 3 professions, the last 2 at least leave you with some sense of basic human decency.

With the virus still out of control and no vaccine in sight, it would appear that the misery and pain of these tortured souls will continue for a while. We consider it an honor to bring you live coverage of these beautiful moments, and hope you will catch a giggle or two as we have.

As always, support our outstanding journalism by throwing heavy suitcases filled with cash directly at your screen.