Free audiobooks to pass the time

In a spectacular failure of planning, the restrictions may be lifting from many of the places you’re reading this from in India. Since we’re far from the peak of infections, I’ll be staying the fuck away indoors.

I do realize that’s not a choice everyone can make, but if you can, you should too.

I’m a big fan of books in general, but audiobooks in particular, but I’m not able to find the time to sit down and read a physical book, for reasons that are too stupid and numerous to discuss.

It does feel disrespectful to read Orwell while brushing your teeth, but that’s the best I can do at the moment.

Audiobooks also help me spend less time staring at screens, and hence lower the constant pain of existence. Another charm of audiobooks is that a good narrator can completely change the experience for you, that’s something you can never achieve by reading it yourself.

I have had an Audible membership since 5 or so years. The approximately 100 books I have listened thorough it have been brilliant, but I can’t justify adding to Jeff Bezos’s already unjustified net worth.

So I can’t recommend you install Audible, but I have recently discovered that there are a large number of audiobooks you can find on Youtube. It is true that with many of these books available freely, the actual writer does not make any money off his creation, but I don’t see any alternative at the moment. I buy physical copies whenever I can from a physical shop, it doesn’t make up for the piracy, but it’s a start.

Here are a few books I have listened to on Youtube over the past few weeks. I’ll continue listening more, and make new lists as I progress.

1. Albert Camus – The Plague

It’s not an uplifting book, not something that’ll make you feel better about the situation we’re all in. But Camus’s simple style and brave agreement with reality are fascinating, especially considering the level of political deceit we see everywhere today. The narration itself is also remarkable, makes you feel like you’re listening to it on a gramophone.

2. Alan Partridge – Nomad

Proper British humor, the story of an adventure that’s not really one. Narrated by the author himself, it’s a great way to take your mind off all the suffering and stupidity around.

3. Daniel Keyes – Flowers for Algernon

The 50s was a time of great imagination, and this book is a part of the beauty. A straightforward story, the ideas it generates are disproportional to its simplicity. And the narrator, Jeff Woodman, he makes the book come alive, absolutely exceptional.

4. George Orwell – Down and out in Paris and London

My favorite book since quite a while, have read it multiple times over. I value honesty and simplicity, and it’s hard to find more clarity of thought than in Orwell. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.