300th post: The experiment continues

I’m bored.

It’s not that writing isn’t fun, it’s just that I feel like I’m starring in a one-man porno. Some people might have a fetish for that, and I might be able to do some incredibly disgusting things, but at the end of the day it’s just so monotonous. Wake up, eat your cereal, deepthroat that 21 inch dildo, pick your wife from office, go back to sleep.

This feeling of loneliness is further exaggerated by my binge watching of Top Gear. To seeย those 3 old farts do a car show that has nothing to do with cars and everything to do with childish fuckery makes me want to do something similar, like millions of others out there.

What I’m trying to say is that I’m looking for a partner. RiderZone needs someone who can do videos, and jazz the routine a bit. You can be anywhere in the world, I don’t need you to be near me. If you are one of those overly ambitious dicks, stay away. I’m not looking to make millions and fuck up my life in the process of achieving some non-existent goal.

I will not pay you anything, mostly because I can’t. Whatever money is made through the site and Youtube, we’ll share it amongst ourselves. So yeah, don’t leave your job, at least for sometime.

What you get with RiderZone is a place where you can say literally anything that comes to your mind. I have never really got anything from any manufacturer, nor do I expect that to change, but the flipside is that I don’t have to kiss any asses or lick any balls.

If there’s anyone out there willing to destroy their life for no discernible reason, feel free to email me at a@