And the 2015 MotoGP World Champion is….

Was Marquez helping Lorenzo at Valencia? 


If there was any doubt about Marquez’s intentions at Philip Island and Sepang, yesterday’s race made things pretty clear. Sure, his moves were not as obvious as Petrucci’s when he almost ran off the track to let Rossi pass, but all through the race he could almost sniff Lorenzo’s butt, but never made a single attempt to even slightly annoy him. 

I’d never seen Marquez brake DIRECTLY behind another rider, until yesterday.

What’s wrong with that?

But here’s the basic problem, if Petrucci helps Rossi, nobody bats an eye, but if Marquez helps Lorenzo, everybody loses their minds. Why is that so?

The biggest reason would be that Petrucci was honest about it, and Marquez is not. If you watched the post-race press conference, you could see how eloquently he explained why Marc Marquez, probably the most aggressive rider in the history of MotoGP, was not able to put a single move on Lorenzo, even during the last 5 laps when Jorge was clearly slowing down.

Although he didn’t face any trouble pushing Pedrosa behind, who was faster than both Marquez and Lorenzo by probably half a second per lap at that time.

There’s nothing illegal about trying to help another rider on a track, as long as you don’t fuck with somebody else. You have to really commend Marquez on the job that he has done, always staying in the grey area, never admitting the facts.

But why would he do it?

Marquez is a double world champion, what could possibly cause him to throw sportsmanship out the window and gang-up on Rossi like that? I can only speculate here, but there could be a number of reasons for this behavior of his. The biggest one could be political, nationalistic. But more importantly, it’s possible that Marquez blames Rossi for destroying his 2015 MotoGP season.

He would obviously be wrong in that assumption, since the only person to blame for his regular crashes is him, but maybe we don’t know something he does. Just maybe.

However, the thing that troubled me most since the last month or so, is that Marquez got to Rossi. The Doctor is supposed to be a 9 time world champ, his experience in MotoGP is probably higher than Marquez’s and Lorenzo’s, combined. How did he let this stupid behavior affect him, forcing him to make that mistake crashing Marquez?

But did he really?

Rumors have it that Marquez intentionally put his bike down, like a football player faking injury. Honda claims that their telemetry data shows a spike on the front brake pressure, which must have come from Rossi’s knee. The only trouble is, MotoGP riders have a metal guard rail just in front of the brake to prevent exactly such a thing from happening.

We’ll never know.

Rossi doesn’t need another world champion, he is a living fucking legend. I don’t think the championship result would’ve been much different even if Rossi hadn’t started from the back of the grid, but there surely would’ve been a lot less heartburn about the whole fiasco. Rossi had a chance to be the bigger man, so did Lorenzo, and Marquez too, but unfortunately all of them blew it.

Apart from the Leonardo DiCaprio of MotoGP.

Dani Pedrosa proved yet again that not only he is the fastest “Man” on the track, but he’s one of the few who was actually racing just for the fun of it. There has been nobody more unlucky than him in the last few years or so, but magically, he doesn’t give a shit. All you see him ever doing is pushing like a maniac, and smiling.

All eyes are on the 2016 season now, which is going to be interesting for sure. The Ducatis are more than capable of causing mayhem, so are the factory Suzukis. We’ll also have Tito Rabat coming in from Moto2, and things might get interesting there as well.

But the most interesting thing would be to see how much help Lorenzo gets from Marquez in 2016.

As for me, the 2015 MotoGP World Champion was Gavin the dead Seagull, who laid down his life purely for the love of this sport.