What is EFI and why should you want it

EFIEFI stands for Electronic Fuel Injection, and is simply a way of dispensing the air-fuel mixture into the engine, in the most optimum way possible. Most of you must have heard about Carburetors, which used to be the mainstay in scooters.

Oh I fondly remember the most important part of a scooter’s service used to be breaking down the carburetor and cleaning it with petrol. We have come a long way since then, and all cars use EFI now, but all commuter bikes still rely on carburetors. If your bike comes with a fuel knob, you don’t have EFI, that’s the simplest way to put it! 

What are the advantages of EFI?

EFI systems have quite a few advantages over the old carburetor ones:

  1. It works closely with the Engine Control Unit (ECU), to make sure that the air-fuel mixture is always perfect, and optimum combustion occurs.
  2. EFI vehicles have higher mileage, because of point no. 1.
  3. EFI vehicles have cleaner emissions, so you can have that smug look on your face.
  4. Vehicles with EFI can be taken to high-altitude areas without any problem. Carburetor bike may need upjetting etc.
  5. Vehicles with EFI generally don’t have cold start issues, as compared to massive problems with carb machines.
  6. EFI vehicles are generally smoother than their carb counterparts.

What are the disadvantages of EFI?

Well, there aren’t any disadvantages to having a nice piece of tech in your bike, except when the times are bad. Any roadside mechanic can fix a carb, but you will need specialized workshops and people to deal with chip trouble. It is worthwhile to mention that I have never heard of any breakdowns because the EFI system failed.

Also, fuel injected bikes are generally costlier than their carb counterparts. So that comes into the equation for some people. It’s rather obvious, if you think about it, just like phones with faster processor and ram are costlier than their slower counterparts.

Should you go for an EFI machine?

Absolutely. EFI is a technology that is already a necessity for cars, and will soon be for motorcycles. It is helpful in every way, and hasn’t shown any gremlins as far as my knowledge goes. This goes out to those future Royal Enfield buyers in particular – go for the model with EFI, maybe you will get lesser trouble in the long run!