RiderZone traffic and income report: March 2016

It’s been a tough few weeks, for a wide variety of reasons.

My experiment in March was to write an article a day, 5 days a week, and see if that helps. It doesn’t.

I hadn’t expected this, I’d thought that like the bigger websites, vomiting armadillo semen on your site on a daily basis is the single most important thing to get more traffic. Writing an article a day is tough for a guy like me, and I’m kinda glad it didn’t work out, I don’t like doing things I love to the point that I start hating them.

Which is why April’s experiment is to write 3 articles a week. On top of that, I’ll try and focus more on videos in the coming months. Videos are easy to consume, Youtube gives better money, and more than anything, I want to get into videos because they scare me, I’m really uncomfortable with them. I have shitloads of footage from buttloads of things I’ve done over the last few years, and I’ll attempt to chronicle them into videos in the way that seems best to me.

I don’t think I’ll be doing proper MotoVlogging, yet. I’m bad with impromptu speaking, much worse speaking while riding, so I guess that’ll have to wait a while.

As far as the month of March went, it was rather uneventful. Here are the stats.

  • Total number of website views: 96,607
  • Best day: 9 March, 6359 views, thanks to this article.
  • Average views per day: 3116
  • Growth over January’s performance: 4%

RiderZone income report: March 2016

  • Income from Google Adsense: $40 ~3000 bucks.
  • Income from Amazon Affiliates: 193 bucks

I was reading Jezza’s Wikipedia article today, and things were as expected. It’s easy to think that he was always reviewing big and expensive cars, but the fact is that it took him a decade of work to get his hands on one.

Since it’s a well proven fact that I’m about 10 times more talented than Clarkson, so that tells us that it’ll take me a year to get to the point that I’ll be called for bike launches and kissed on the balls by company PR officials. Sadly, it’ll be a hard year of work, but it OK, I’ll manage.