RiderZone traffic and income report: February 2016

I get plenty of questions about how much traffic my site gets and how that translates into actual money, so this is what I’m going to do, a monthly report of visitor count and total income from all sources.

This ought to shut up all those juveniles who think making money online is easy.

I’m not saying making money online is not easy, it’s just not easy if you don’t want to kiss ass or lick balls, and there’s a big difference between the two.

Kiss Ass: To kiss ass, all you have to do is say great stuff about every fucking thing that you get, in the hope that you might get more things. Got a chair with 3 broken legs and no back? My ass has never been more comfortable. Got a bike with no engine and no frame? Fuck this is thing is quick. Got an expired pack of yeast infected condoms? God damn they rocked my world last night.

Lick Balls: To lick balls, all you have to do is just push the publish button on anything and everything big corporations want you to say. Got an article from Exxon about how fake global warming is? Hit it. Got a tweet from Hero about how not ugly and not the same old piece of crap the new Xtreme 200 is? RT the shit out of it. Got a leather suit from a company well-known for producing fakes made from donkey foreskins? Have a raging orgasm about it on Youtube.

So, if you don’t want to do the above, life online is difficult, which will become clearer as you keep watching the results over the months.

People with heart conditions, look away.

RiderZone traffic report: February 2016

  • Total number of website views: 92,789
  • Best day: 23 February, 5463 views, thanks to this article.
  • Average views per day: 3200
  • Growth over January’s performance: 11%

RiderZone income report: February 2016

*Drum Rolls*

  • Income from Google Adsense: $52.41 ~3500 bucks.
  • Income from Amazon Affiliates: 0

So yeah.

Have you seen that episode of South Park where the Canadians go bat shit and the kids try to earn money online? If yo haven’t, here it is, and that’s kinda what it feels like currently.

92000 views is a lot, especially for a dick like me, it’s actually surprising that people come here at all, although it should make an interesting experiment to find out what kind. Having said that, the amount of money you make with 92000 views is hilarious.

If you ever asked yourself, why don’t more people give up their boring jobs and try and make a living doing whatever they want to do, this.

Fuck you society.