10 reasons why Bikers rock more than Drivers!

1. Bikers are unstoppable:

I don’t remember the last time I was stuck in a traffic jam for more than 10 minutes. Bikes are unstoppable, no matter what time, place or disaster. We always find a way to get to the front on a red light, while the drivers wait for the lights to turn green and then red, green and red, green and red again.

Zero SR2. Bikers look cool:

Buy a 2lac Duke 390, strap on your SOL helmet and ride the streets. Every eye will be on you. Buy a 2lac second hand Wagon R, strap on your seat belt. You will be the real Mr. India, no one will see you. If you want to look cool in a car, you gotta buy a Lamborghini Veneno Roadster and drive with the top off. Nothing less will do. 

3. Bikers are faster:

Even a commuter bike can take on any car as far as speed and acceleration are concerned. Why have these idiots banned bikes from the expressways? God knows. They are faster and meaner in every respect.

4. Bikers are real men:

Biking is inherently dangerous. It is nothing like sitting inside a 1 tonne cage of steel, eating the conditioned air, listening to Justin Beiber. We are exposed to the elements, eat bugs and bees and listen to the sound of our roaring engines.

DSG Triton review5. Bikers can go anywhere:

There is no hole in the world where a biker can’t go, even on a commuter bike. I took my Pulsar 150 to Ladakh, and it performed surprisingly well. I saw a few Nanos and Altos there as well, struggling to save their underbelly from the huge rocks beneath the waterfalls.

6. Bikers are tough:

Bikers aren’t the overly cautious, clingy, dependent type. We are tough beings who enjoy our alone time. Every biker had a fall once in their life, the fact that they keep going makes them the real deal.

7. Bikers know how to enjoy the little things:

When I was in Ladakh, crossing Chang la pass, we stopped at the top in a restaurant. We ate Maggie and had a tea. That was the best Maggie and the best tea I will ever have. The drivers there were looking at us like we were from some alien planet, wondering why we were smiling while our hands shook like a leaf.

8: Bikers have a great sense of adventure:

Bikers are a bit crazy in the head, they go on trails where people can barely walk. They attempt to do triple backflips while people watch with their mouths open. They touch their elbows to the ground making a turn. Our life is one big adventure.

Marc Marquez9. Bikers are adaptable:

We drive our bikes to office, take those same bikes to Ladakh, then ride them through Mumbai rains and Delhi’s cold. We will do anything to make our ride successful, no matter what it takes.

10. Bikers know how to drive cars, they chose not to:

Every biker I know knows how to drive a car. A lot of drivers I know have never touched a bike. Bikers are good drivers, but the converse is not true. We know exactly when to make a turn, which spaces we can squeeze through and when we have touched the limit.